As we are an OEM supplier, we do not and can not have a standard price. Each item's price will be calculated according to its package, FOB port and etc.

If you need a price, feel free to send information to us. Our sales will be at service in 24 hours.

Quality is our existed way. We pay attention to quality of each order. Before the product delivery, our QC dept will have a complete inspection. 

It will not be shipped if the inspection report not passed. Of course, in case there are still few items have the quality problem, we will have a quality 

guarantee at least 1 year. Return the cash, delivery new product, providing reparing service or discount is at our selection.

Not all items shows a very complete specification in this website.

You are welcome to send question to us.

If you can not find same but only similiar item on our website and want have a developing for a new item, we 

are your good choice. Our technoligist have much experiece at new mold developing. In the meantime, each 

developed new item will have a sales' protection.